27.07.09. Prisen på importeret russisk gas falder

24.07.09. Ny valglov vil sandsynligvis blive indbragt for forfatningsdomstolen

24.07.09. Statsadvokaten har rejst sigtelse mod Pukach

23.07.09. Jusjtjenko vil få daglige underretninger om efterforskningen

23.07.09. Lytvyn advarer mod politisk misbrug af Gongadze-morder

23.07.09. General har afsløret hvem der stod bag mordet på Gongadze

10.07.09. Domstol pålægger Jusjtjenko at udskrive folkeafstemning om NATO

09.07.09. Regeringen vil forhøje Naftohaz' aktiekapital

07.07.09. Ukraine har betalt for juni måneds gasforsyninger

06.07.09. Ukraines forfatning til revision (eng.)

06.07.09. Crimean Tatars divide Ukraine and Russia

02.07.09. Janukovytj fører klart i meningsmålingerne

29.06.09. Jusjtjenko frygter for den nationale selvstændighed

29.06.09. Jusjtjenko ønsker folkeafstemning om sit forfatningsforslag

28.06.09. Jusjtjenko vil vil gerne have en folkeafstemning om forfatningsændringerne

17.06.09. Russia's ideological crusade against Ukraine

17.06.09. Ukrainian Intelligence promotes lustration in Ukraine

12.06.09. Ukraine og EU’s Østpartnerskab

08.06.09. Tymoshenko stiller op til præsidentvalget

07.06.09. Janukovytj stiller op til det direkte præsidentvalg

05.06.09. Jusjtjenko advarer mod koalition mellem Janukovytj og Tymoshenko

05.06.09. Jusjtjenko advarer mod koalition mellem Janukovytj og Tymoshenko

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko opfordrer det internationale samfund til at hjælpe Ukraine med at bevare demokratiet.

Opfordringen kom på et møde fredag med ambassadørerne for G7-landene, Polen, Slovakiet, Ungarn, Tjekkiet og Sverige samt formanden for Europakommissionens repræsentation.

Jusjtjenko sagde, at han har indkaldt ambassadørerne for at forelægge sin vurdering af den politiske situation i Ukraine.

"I løbet af denne uge har alle vist deres sande ansigt", sagde Jusjtjenko, da han informerede om forhandlingerne mellem Regionernes parti og Julia Tymoshenkos blok.

Præsidenten hævder, at hovedformålet med denne koalition er at vedtage forfatningsændringer i løbet af næste uge. Ifølge Jusjtjenko går ændringerne ud på, at den nuværende premierminister Julia Tymoshenko skal beholde sin stilling for de næste ti år. En anden af ændringerne går ud på at vedtage en forfatningsstridig regel om, at præsidenten skal vælges i parlamentet.

Jusjtjenko understreger, at der her er tale om en begrænsning af borgernes demokratiske rettigheder, herunder valgrettigheder, og disse ændringer derfor ikke kan vedtages uden, at de forinden har været til en folkeafstemning.

Jusjtjenko mener også, at ideen om at forlænge parlamentets og de lokale råds valgperioder i nogle år, er retsstridig.

"Ingen disse initiativer er lovlige, og derfor er der reelt tale om et statskup. Der er tale om en afmontering af alle de demokratiske landvindinger, som Ukraine har opnået i løbet af de seneste år", understregede den ukrainske præsident.

Jusjtjenko bad ambassadørerne om at viderebringe hans oplysninger til ledelsen i deres respektive lande og bede deres statsoverhoveder om at støtte det ukrainske demokrati mest muligt.

"Som præsident garanterer jeg, at jeg ikke vil tillade et ulovligt valg af præsidenten i parlamentet og vil gøre alt, der står i min magt, for at sikre, at Ukraine opfylder alle de internationale forpligtelser i forhold til at sikre borgernes rettigheder", sagde Jusjtjenko, og tilføjede, at dette sandsynligvis ikke vil være nok, og at han derfor appellerer til det internationale samfund for at få hjælp til at sikre de demokratiske processer i Ukraine. UNIAN. UP.

07.06.09. Janukovytj stiller op til det direkte præsidentvalg

Lederen af Regionernes parti, Viktor Janukovytj, siger nu, at Ukraines præsident bør vælges af folket, og at han efter præsidentvalget vil gøre brug af de erfaringer, man har høstet under forhandlingerne med Julia Tymoshenkos Blok om dannelsen af en bred koalition. Udtalelsen faldt efter et besøg i Kiev-Lavraen, oplyser nyhedsbureauet Interfaks med henvisning til Regionernes partis pressetjeneste.

"Præsidentvalget nærmer sig, og det giver ingen mening at danne ny regering på nuværende tidspunkt. De få måneder, der er tilbage til præsidentvalget i Ukraine, vil ikke være nok til at påbegynde en effektiv indsats for at løse krisen", mener Janukovytj.

Ifølge Janukovytj har man under forhandlingerne mellem RP Og BJuT "drøftet forfatningsændringer, som gik ud på, at præsidenten skulle vælges i parlamentet, samt en forlængelse af parlamentets mandat".

"Men disse forfatningsændringer ville være blive indført meget hurtigt. Det ville have betydet, at man måtte give køb på en bred og åben drøftelse af forfatningsændringerne. Dette ville have været et tilbageskridt for demokratiet", understregede han.

"Jeg har ikke til hensigt at bruge forhandlingerne eller deres sammenbrud politisk for at opnå kortsigtede politiske gevinster. Jeg må sige, at de forhandlingerne, som vi har ført med vores partnere, har givet meget perspektiv. Den vej vi har tilbagelagt på vej mod en sammenlægning, forbliver vores fælles resultat", sagde han.

"Det er den meget værdifulde kapital, som vi tager med os, idet vi fortsætter fremdriften. Vi vil helt sikkert gøre brug af den. Det vil ske straks efter præsidentvalget", understregede Janukovytj.

Lederen af RP fremhævede, at "et statsoverhoved, som er valgt direkte af folket, vil kunne forene landet". "Det vil være en folkevalgt præsident, og ikke en præsident, der er valgt af parlamentet", - sagde han.

"Dette er min endelige beslutning. Mit hjerte fortæller mig, at et direkte præsidentvalg er den eneste rigtige vej. Det er min valg. Måtte Gud hjælpe os", tilføjede Janukovytj. UP.

08.06.09. Tymoshenko stiller op til præsidentvalget

Premierminister Julia Tymoshenko har meddelt, at hun stiller op til præsidentvalget i Ukraine. Meddelelsen kom under Tymoshenkos fjernsynstransmitterede tale søndag aften.

"Man siger, at når du går ind i politik, skal du glemme alt om dit køn, og at du er kvinde. Her er alle lige. Men hvor mændene mangler mandsmod, ansvarlighed, ære og værdighed, så har jeg det alt sammen i rigt mål", sagde premierministeren.

"Jeg erklærer hermed, at jeg stiller op til præsidentvalget, og at jeg vil vinde. Jeg tror på, og jeg ved, at ukrainsk politik engang vil blive ren og fair. Styret vil blive stærkt og ubestikkeligt. Jeg tror og jeg ved, at Ukraine vil blive sådan, som i har drømt om - europæisk og smuk", understregede Tymoshenko. UP.

12.06.09. Ukraine og EU’s Østpartnerskab

Formanden for Europaparlamentet Hans-Gert Pöttering siger i et interview med den tyske avis Hamburger Abendblatt (1.6.09), at han ser Ukraine og Israel som fremtidige privilegerede partnere for Den europæiske Union, oplyser Deutsche Welle.

Ifølge parlamentsformanden kan udvidelsen af EU’s samarbejde med de østlige naboer føre til, at ”fx Ukraine kan få en privilegeret status". Hermed mener den tyske EU-parlamentsformand ”et styrket samarbejde, fx indenfor udenrigspolitikken, bekæmpelsen af terrorisme eller i klimaspørgsmål".

Pöttering er skeptisk overfor Tyrkiets mulighed for at blive medlem af EU, fordi EU ”ikke vil kunne magte det politisk, kulturelt, økonomisk og geografisk", skriver internetavisen Ukrajinska Pravda.

På topmødet i Prag den 7-8. maj  lancerede EU’s ledere et nyt Østpartnerskab, som er et regionalt samarbejde om bl.a. frihandel med seks tidligere sovjetrepublikker i Østeuropa og Kaukasus: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgien, Armenien og Azerbajdzhan. Over de næste fem år afsætter EU cirka 5,5 mia. kr. – hvoraf 2,5 mia. er nye penge – til landene.

Ukraine ønsker sig et egentligt medlemskabsperspektiv. Hanne Severinsen, som er opstillet til EU-parlamentet for Venstre, har kritiseret EU for ikke at give Ukraine et medlemskabsperspektiv tilbage i 2005, da alt tegnede lyst efter Den orange Revolution. ”Dengang burde EU have givet Ukraine et medlemskabsperspektiv”, sagde hun på et møde den 25. maj i Folketinget arrangeret af DUS i samarbejde med den ukrainske ambassade, Europabevægelsen og SILBA talte flere danske EU-parlamentskandidater positivt om Ukraine som et kommende medlem af den europæiske familie. Den tidligere ukrainske udenrigsminister og nuværende formand for udenrigsudvalget i Ukraines parlament, Borys Tarasyuk, var gæstetaler ved mødet. Han ser østpartnerskabsaftalen som et skridt i den rigtige retning på vej mod en egentlig associeringsaftale for Ukraine. Aftalen kan bane vejen for en frihandelsaftale og en visaaftale med Ukraine og være et supplement til de bilaterale relationer og forholdet til EU, mente Tarasyuk.    

map of Europe showing eastern partners

De nye partnerskabslande er markeret med rødt.

Det, som foregår i de østeuropæiske lande og i landene i Syd-Kaukasus, har en betydning for EU, skriver EU-kommissionen på sin hjemmeside. EU’s gentagne udvidelser har bragt disse lande tættere på EU, og deres sikkerhed, stabilitet og velstand har en stadig større betydning for EU. Et eksempel er det potentiale for spredningen af EU’s energiforsyning, som disse lande tilbyder.

Alle disse lande er i større eller mindre omfang i gang med politiske, sociale og økonomiske reformer og har udtrykt et ønske om at komme tættere på EU.

EU-kommissionen har fremlagt konkrete ideer for at styrke relationerne med Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgien, Armenien og Azerbajdzhan.

 Det indebærer, at der skal laves nye associeringsaftaler, herunder omfattende frihandelsaftaler med de lande, der er villige og har evnen til at indgå i et dybere engagement, en gradvis integration i EU’s økonomi og lempelse af visumrestriktionerne kombineret med en styrket indsats til bekæmpelse af illegal indvandring. Østpartnerskabet tager også sigte på at fremme demokrati og god regeringsførelse, styrke energisikkerheden, fremme sektorreformer og miljøbeskyttelse, opmuntre befolkningerne til mellemmenneskelige kontakter, styrke den økonomiske og sociale udvikling og tilbyde yderligere finansiering af projekter, som skal mindske social-økonomisk ubalance og styrke stabiliteten, skriver EU-kommissionens på sin hjemmeside.

Ivan Nester

17.06.09. Ukrainian Intelligence promotes lustration in Ukraine

June 5, 2009

Taras Kuzio

Yushchenko attacks Ukraine's Soviet past

On May 11 in an interview with Gazeta Wyborcza the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) chief Valentyn Nalyvaychenko, outlined how previously secret documents from 1917-1991 were being released that will reveal details about the "crimes of communism." Nalyvaychenko described the opening of formerly secret documents and plans to proceed with prosecutions as "the launch of a Ukrainian version of lustration." The documents reveal Soviet crimes against Ukrainians fighting for independence from 1917-1920, the 1933 artificial famine and the nationalist partisan struggle from 1942 to the early 1950's. Nalyvaychenko also revealed that the secret documents exposed crimes committed against other nationals, including Poles living in Ukraine. These began in 1937-38 and those whom the NKVD did not then murder were later murdered in the Kharkiv prisons (and Katyn forest) in 1940.

The director of the SBU's archives Volodymyr Vyatovych revealed that the SBU had already compiled 136 names of individuals involved in committing crimes against humanity during the famine. These included NKVD officers, senior members of the communist party and those who had signed documents. The manner in which the crimes were organized was the basis for the allegation that the famine was a pre-planned "genocide" against Ukraine (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 28).

Russia has counter-attacked the claims of "genocide" by using the argument that the famine was felt throughout the USSR and was an outcome of collectivization and severe weather. This view has long been prevalent within left-wing and pro-Soviet political and academic circles in the West. Nalyvaychenko replied to these Russian counter-claims by asserting that they had not studied the formerly secret documents made publicly available by the SBU. The SBU had requested its Russian counterparts to open secret Russian documents on Soviet repression, but this had been rebutted.

"At first the Tsulag was established in Ukraine and then later the Gulag that we all know about," Nalyvaychenko said. The Tsulag was established in 1919 in Ukraine and included 18 locations. On May 21, the official Day of Memory of Victims of Political Repressions, Yushchenko attended a commemoration at one the most infamous of these in the Bykivnia forest outside Kyiv. The area was established as a State Historical and Memorial Preserve by a resolution adopted by the 2001 Yushchenko government. The SBU had identified 14,000 names of the estimated 100,000 victims buried in Bykivnia.

Nalyvaychenko described how repressive Soviet agencies surrounded Ukrainian oblasts to prevent food entering them. These same units were also stationed on the Crimean border with Ukraine (then within the Russian SFSR). Nalyvychenko's assurances that the SBU's work on Soviet crimes was not directed against Russia will fall on deaf ears in Moscow, especially following President Dmitry Medvedev's establishment of a special commission to "counteract attempts to falsify history." Nalyvaychenko revealed that a 226-page collection of materials showed how in addition to the deaths caused by the famine many others were shot, and these included "Russians, Germans, Jews and Ukrainians" (www.radiosvoboda.org, May 28). The SBU has also investigated the 1944 deportation of 300,000 Crimean Tatars and criminal cases against the Tatar nationalist Milly Firqa organization in the 1920's (Channel 5, May 18).

The SBU chief believed that it would only require a short period of time to collect eye-witness accounts and launch criminal proceedings. These would investigate the repeated "actions of criminal groups and the crimes of repressive agencies in the first place against the civilian population" (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 28). Soviet repression included mass murder of the civilian population, mass deportations and placing the children of those sentenced or murdered into orphanages.

Launching criminal charges and lustration within Ukraine might be more difficult than placing this in the hands of the international courts. Ukraine's judiciary and prosecutor's office are highly corrupt and have not demonstrated sufficient competence in pursuing high profile cases, such as investigating the organizers of journalist Georgi Gongadze's murder or Yushchenko's poisoning. Parliament might also prove unsupportive. Party of Regions leader Viktor Yanukovych described the SBU's lustration plans for launching criminal charges in relation to the famine as "provocative and irresponsible" (Ukrayinska Pravda, May 27). Yanukovych condemned attempts by Yushchenko to play the nationalist card by using the famine to stay in power, potentially further dividing the country and worsening relations with

President Yushchenko replied to such domestic critics as individuals whose "dream is a gubernia where they would be uncontrolled lords," a place "without Ukrainian culture and without the Ukrainian language" (www.president.gov.ua, May 17). Nalyvaychenko replied to Yanukovych that Soviet repression and the famine had been most severe in the Donbas and Zaporizhzhia oblast, three regional strongholds. He pointed out that since 2006, Ukrainian legislation asserts that the famine was an "act of genocide against the Ukrainian people," prosecution for which falls within the criminal code. The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory had compiled nearly 900,000 names of Ukrainians who died in the famine. The SBU and the institute continued to work on the documents, collect eye-witness statements and locate mass burial grounds. "In this criminal case there is a serious possibility of success in court," Nalyvaychenko said (Ukrayinska Pravda, June 3).

The lustration of former communist officials has not been the norm in the majority of the 27 post-communist states. Different degrees of lustration were undertaken in Germany and within ten Central Eastern and Baltic states. The toughest lustration legislation was adopted in the Czech Republic and Germany. It is noticeable, however, from this list of countries that no CIS state including Georgia has undertaken lustration. This could now change with Ukraine following Central-Eastern Europe in launching the lustration of communist crimes against humanity.

The issues of nation building and historical memory have become a personal crusade for President Yushchenko. At his Bykivnia speech, Yushchenko called for the removal of all the communist "symbols of murder" (www.president.gov.ua, May 17). Following the disintegration of the USSR, Ukrainian democratization could never be divorced from nation and state building. Yushchenko's crusade against Soviet crimes is intimately bound up with its democratization and integration into Europe. This explains Moscow's hostility as it is in the throes of covering up Soviet crimes, and building an autocracy grounded in a synthesis of nationalism and Soviet rule.


17.06.09. Russia's ideological crusade against Ukraine

Taras Kuzio

According to an interview with Ukraine's Ambassador to Russia Konstantyn Hryshchenko, the country's bilateral relationship with Russia has sunk to its lowest level since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, testimony to the Russian state control of the media and its ideological crusade against Ukraine (www.profil-ua.com, June 6). In the weekly Glavred magazine on May 20 its front cover declared: "Beware Ukrainophobia!"

The Levada Center recently found that 62 percent of Russians hold a negative view of Ukraine with only the United States and Georgia being seen in a worse light. At the same time, 91 percent of Ukrainians hold positive views of Russia, a reflection of media pluralism and the lack of state directed propaganda against Russia. Analyzing these polls, the head of the Center for Military-Political Research in Kyiv summarized this relationship in his headline: "We like them but they do not like us" (www.pravda.com.ua, May 5).

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) is openly raising the question of the intensification of Russian intelligence activities within Ukraine, and Russia's return to Soviet KGB tactics. This concern was expressed in SBU chairman Valentyn Nalyvaychenko's comment that the FSB within the Black Sea Fleet should withdraw from the Crimea (www.radiosvoboda, June 2). Nalyvaychenko explained that one of the functions of the SBU was counter-espionage, and that was why they did not agree with the FSB being based in the Fleet.

The main suspects of the murder in Odessa on April 17 of a student member of the Ukrainian nationalist NGO Sich, Maksym Chayka, belong to the "Antifa(scist)" NGO financed by the Russian nationalist Rodina party. The presidential secretariat requested that the SBU investigate their activities to discover if they are coordinated "with foreign organizations of an anti-Ukrainian orientation" (www.president.gov.ua, April 22). The SBU appealed to the justice ministry to consider if there were grounds to revoke Rodina's registration, based on among things, their link to organized crime and financing from abroad. The suspects have fled to Russia.

The conflict between the Sich and Antifa NGO's is historically based; specifically the controversy surrounding the unveiling of a monument to Empress Catherine in Odessa in October 2007. Ambassador Hryshchenko pointed out that unlike the constant Russian interference in Ukraine, Kyiv does not protest against Russian glorification of Tsar Peter and Tsarina Catherine - even though both are regarded very negatively in Ukraine. Ukrainian history equates both Russian leaders as the destroyers of the Ukrainian autonomous Hetmanate in the late eighteenth century and the re-organization of Ukrainian territories into gubernia, as well as the introduction of serfdom and the banning of the Ukrainian language.

The Russian foreign ministry assumes the right to condemn the unveiling of monuments to historical figures in Ukraine. For example, Ukraine will unveil a monument to Cossack Hetman Ivan Mazepa on Independence Day (August 24) in his home region of Poltava on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the Battle of Poltava, where Ukrainian-Swedish forces were defeated by Russia. Mazepa has undergone rehabilitation as a hero in independent Ukraine, and his picture is displayed on the 10 hryvnia note.

The Russian Orthodox Church imposed an "anathema" on Mazepa and he was condemned as a "traitor" to Russian-Ukrainian unity by tsars and commissars alike. The on-going furore has led to a split within the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) with Metropolitan Dmytruk, the head of the UOC's foreign relations, supporting the growing call to remove the church's anathema (www.pravda.com.ua, May 26).

Russia's new historiography incorporates additional Russian chauvinists, such as White Army General Anton Denikin. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's recent reference to Denikin's description of Russia and Ukraine as "great" and "little" Russia shows the degree to which these Russian views of Ukraine remain deep seated. Putin's use of "little Russia" infuriated all shades of Ukrainian opinion. As Ukrainian historians pointed out, Denikin hated "Ukrainian separatism" more than he did the Bolsheviks, and this was his undoing. Denikin's march on Moscow was foiled by uprisings in Ukraine, where his forces terrorized everything Ukrainian (www.unian.net, May 28).

Memoirs published in the West after the Russian revolution by white Russian émigrés described "Ukrainian separatism" as an "Austrian" plot against Russia. "Ukrainian separatism" in the 1990's evolved into a "Western plot," while two thirds of Russians in January 2005 believed that the Orange Revolution was an "American conspiracy" (see the critical review of the new anti-Ukrainian book "American Salo [pork fat]" www.unian.net, May 29).

These views of Ukraine's "artificiality" and "fragility" remain deeply rooted within the Russian mindset, and explain the state orchestrated campaign depicting Ukraine as a "failed state" that requires international supervision. Putin described Ukraine as an "artificial" entity with lands given to it by Russia and the USSR during his speech to the NATO-Russia Council in Bucharest in April 2008. The March 16 issue of Russian political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky's Ruskyi Zhurnal was devoted to "Will Ukraine Lose its Sovereignty?" (www.russ.ru).

Ukraine's former Ambassador to the United States Yuriy Shcherbak, wrote a lengthy analysis of the campaign conducted by senior Russian officials. Shcherbak believes that the aim is an "ideological-propaganda preparation of a future operation for the seizure of the territory of a sovereign state" (Den, May 26).

One of the Russian officials named by Shcherbak was the director of the Institute for CIS Countries Konstantin Zatulin, who recently called upon Russia to see ethnic Russians in Ukraine "in the same rank as the army, the fleet and church" (www.russkie.org). Zatulin was again denied entry to Ukraine at Simferopol airport. The SBU spokesperson explained this by saying that Zatulin remained on a banned list of Russians entering Ukraine. More importantly, "The stance of the SBU on this question is very tough: independent of the citizenship and position held (of the person) there is no place in Ukraine for separatists and extremists" (www.pravda.com.ua, June 6).

In their rush to "reset" the button with Russia after its invasion of Georgia and Barack Obama's election, Brussels and Washington have ignored Russia's ideological crusade against Ukraine. They should heed the warning from Ambassador Shcherbak, who believes Russia's ultimate aim is to "destroy Ukrainian statehood" (Den, May 26).

28.06.09. Jusjtjenko vil vil gerne have en folkeafstemning om forfatningsændringerne

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko mener, at folkets holdning til forfatningen "bør blive hørt inden resultatet af det kommende valg foreligger". Udtalelsen faldt som en del af præsidentens lykønskning til borgerne i anledning af den ukrainske forfatningsdag.

I sin henvendelse sagde Jusjtjenko blandt andet: "Det lykkedes os at stoppe en stor trussel. Det handlede ikke om en bestemt person, men det handlede om jer, jeres familie og børn. Man ville fratage jer retten til at påvirke magthaverne, kæmpe for retfærdighed og være med til at bestemme landets skæbne".

Præsidenten mener, at "forfatningen ikke blot er et dokument". "Man kan ikke give det til politikerne og ikke engang de allerbedste jurister. Forfatningen - det er os. Det er vores aftale om, hvordan vi tilrettelægger vores liv. Det er vores rettigheder, pligter og de vigtigste nationale principper", sagde han.

"Jeg foreslår en frihedens og ordenens forfatning. Jeg fremlægger den åbent og lader det være op til jeres modne beslutning", sagde præsidenten.

"Jeg foreslår et udkast, som på en klar og gennemskuelig måde fastlægger, hvordan staten skal styres, som gør styret stærkere og beskytter jeres umistelige ret til at vælge, kontrollere og ændre styret. Jeg foreslår et dokument, som baner vejen for vores indtræden i Den europæiske Union", hedder det i henvendelsen.

"Jeg ønsker kun en ting: at I skal være frie og uafhængige af, hvem der er præsident eller premierminister, og at vores stat skal være fri og evig", sagde Jusjtjenko. UP.

29.06.09. Jusjtjenko ønsker folkeafstemning om sit forfatningsforslag

Spørgsmålet om, der skal udskrives parlamentsvalg, er noget parlamentet tager stilling til, sagde præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko i aftes i et program på Tv-stationen Inter.

"Man må ikke glemme, at der er en koalition, at premierministeren er lederen af koalitionen, men, at der ikke er noget flertal i parlamentet. Og det er en alvorlig hindring for løsningen af aktuelle finanspolitiske og økonomiske spørgsmål", mener han.

"Parlamentsmedlemmernes optræden i parlamentet vil afhænge af spørgsmålet om nyvalg til parlamentet. Det er et spørgsmål, der udelukkende hører under parlamentets kompetence", sagde præsidenten, som mener, at hans forslag til forfatningsændringer bør sendes ud til en folkeafstemning.

"Præsidenten har gjort det, han skulle. Jeg så gerne, at parlamentet gjorde det arbejde, som er nødvendigt: behandlede præsidentens forslag og sendte det videre til forfatningsdomstolen. Hvis premierministeren vil fremlægge sit forfatningsforslag, skal dette også behandles i parlamentet og sendes videre til forfatningsdomstolen", sagde Jusjtjenko.

"Hvis oppositionen agter at fremlægge deres forslag til forfatningsændringer, skal de også være velkomne. Men det skal ske inden præsidentvalget", sagde præsidenten.

"Men denne session er ved at være afsluttet, og jeg har ikke på fornemmelsen, at parlamentet kommer til at blive færdig med sit arbejde. Jeg er overbevist om, at dette udkast bør sendes ud til folkeafstemning, så nationen kan komme med ændringsforslag og kan formulere sit svar", sluttede Jusjtjenko. UP.

29.06.09. Jusjtjenko frygter for den nationale selvstændighed

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko siger i et interview med Tv-stationen "5. kanal", at den ukrainske nation vil stå overfor et svært valg, når der skal være præsidentvalg den 17. januar næste år. "Efter min opfattelse påhviler der os et ligeså stort ansvar som i 2004. Lad mig sige det klart: Risikoen for den nationale uafhængighed har aldrig været større end nu", siger præsidenten.

Efter Jusjtjenkos opfattelse findes der personer i ukrainsk politik for hvem begreber som nationens enhed, suveræniteten og mange andre ting, som er hellige for en hvilken som helst nation, er et handelsobjekt. "Desværre er det sådan. Jeg siger det ikke for at skræmme nogen. Jeg ved det." - siger Jusjtjenko. Jusjtjenko hentyder efter al sandsynlighed til sine to hovedmodstandere - oppositionslederen, den russisk-venlig Viktor Janukovytj, og premierministeren Julia Tymoshenko, som den ukrainske sikkerhedstjeneste sidste år beskyldte for at sælge ud af de nationale interesser.

"Valget bør være frit og fair og lovligt. Vi er kommet dertil, at hver eneste person, som stiller op til valget, er ansvarlig, både overfor Gud og overfor sig selv. Det er jeres valg og jeres ansvar." - siger præsidenten.

I interviewet kritiserer Jusjtjenko Julia Tymoshenkos Blok for være udemokratisk, for at rage til sig og tiltage sig alt for store magtbeføjelser. Som et eksempel på Tymoshenko-blokkens magtfuldkommenhed nævner han sagen om en omstrejfende bonde, der blev myrdet, efter han tilsyneladende havde forvildet sig ind på et BJuT-parlamentsmedlems landejendom i Kirovohrad-regionen sydøst for Kiev. Ifølge pressens oplysninger var parlamentsmedlemmet i selskab med den lokale offentlige anklager og politichef. Parlamentsmedlemmet har afvist beskyldningerne om, at han har myrdet en sagesløs ejendomskrænker og har tilbudt parlamentet at ophæve sin parlamentariske immunitet.

Jusjtjenko erkender, at Janukovytj meget vel kan blive den næste præsident. "Hvis Janukovytj bliver præsident - i dag fører han klart i  meningsmålingerne - jeg siger ikke, at det bliver sådan, jeg konstaterer bare, at sådan ser det ud i dag - så vil Tymoshenko være den evige premierminister." - mener præsidenten. Hvis parlamentet er det samme efter præsidentvalget, som det er i dag, og styrkeforholdet mellem partierne er ligesom i dag, så vil den nye præsident være nødt til at leve med parlamentets sammensætning. Og der skal ikke meget fantasi til, for at regne ud, hvor Julia Tymoshenkos Blok vil være den 18. januar, når Janukovytj har vundet", siger Jusjtjenko.

02.07.09. Janukovytj fører klart i meningsmålingerne

Hvis der var valg i morgen ville oppositionsleder Viktor Janukovytj få 34,7% af stemmerne i første runde af præsidentvalget, viser en meningsmåling fra Kievs internationale institut for sociologi. 21,5% ville stemme på premierminister Julia Tymoshenko, 17,6% ville stemme på tidligere parlamentsformand Arsenij Jatsenjuk, 5,7% ville stemme på lederen af Kommunistpartiet, Petro Symonenko, 3,8% ville stemme på den nuværende parlamentsformand, Volodymyr Lytvyn og 3,5% ville stemm på den nuværende præsident, Viktor Jusjtjenko. De øvrige mulige præsidentkandidater ville få under 3% af stemmerne. En meningsmåling i maj viste den samme opbakning til Janukovytj - 34,7%. Der skal være præsidentvalget i Ukraine den 17. januar 2009. Podrobnosti.

06.07.09. Crimean Tatars divide Ukraine and Russia

Eurasia Daily Monitor
June 24, 2009

Taras Kuzio

President Viktor Yushchenko has strongly condemned the 1944 deportation of Crimean Tatars on many occasions and ordered the Security Service (SBU) to open a special investigative unit examining crimes against humanity committed by the Soviet regime against them. Since the 1998 Ukrainian parliamentary elections, Rukh and President Yushchenko's Our Ukraine have included Tatar leaders within their party lists.

The SBU unit will investigate the 1944 deportation and the earlier persecution of the Crimean Tatar intelligentsia. The SBU has declassified 63 criminal cases against Crimean Tatar members of the Milly Firqa separatist organization that operated from 1918-1928. SBU chairman Valentyn Nalyvaychenko recently outlined how the special unit would investigate who was responsible for the deportations. Crimean Tatars seek to have all former KGB documents pertaining to them declassified and made available for public scrutiny on the internet. The SBU promised the declassified documents would be given to families who suffered during the repressions.

On the 65th anniversary of the deportation of Crimean Tatars, Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko condemned it in no uncertain terms: "This terrible and severe page in our history we, as Ukrainians who ourselves went through the famine-genocide and repression, and for a long period of time defended their right to independence, feel the sufferings and consequences of each and every Crimean Tatar" (www.kmu.gov.ua May 18).

The anniversary coincided with the first World Congress of Crimean Tatars attended by 800 delegates from 11 countries. The congress, held in the famous Bakhchysaray palace, the former seat of the Tatar Khanate, was followed by a procession to the historical Zincirli Madrasah. The congress released the pent up frustrations felt by Crimean Tatars who are dissatisfied with the manner in which they have been treated by successive Ukrainian governments. Throughout much of May the Crimean Tatar protestors stood outside the cabinet of ministers' office in Kyiv demanding greater attention for their economic and social plight.

Crimean Tatar leader Mustafa Dzhemilev, a veteran Soviet dissident, complained that no legislation has ever been adopted in Ukraine to reinstate the social and legal rights of his people (Voice of America Russian service, May 18). The World Congress called upon the Ukrainian president and prime minister, "to take urgent steps to deliver on all the previously reached agreements, and your instructions and promises regarding the fair resolution of land disputes in Crimea and providing Crimean Tatars with land" (UNIAN, May 23).

All of the infrastructure of the Crimean Tatars up to their 1944 deportation - theaters, schools, mosques, and other buildings - were expropriated by the Soviet regime and have not been returned. Crimean Tatar place names were subsequently Russified. Currently 15 out of 650 Crimean schools provide instruction in Crimean Tatar, but only 13 of these do so in the first three grades.

Land is the major source of dispute, as many Tatars live illegally as squatters, pushed into rural areas by developers taking prize urban real estate. High unemployment forces many Crimean Tatars to eke out a living within the shadow economy, as shuttle-traders where they regularly face violence from organized criminal gangs who control the street markets. The issue of the plight of the Crimean Tatars is seen in diametrically opposite ways by Ukrainians and Russians. Russian nationalist and communist parties and NGO's in the Crimea hold to the Russian world view of Tatars as rabidly anti-Russian and "Nazi collaborators." They, and the Russian authorities, see Tsarina Catherine as a great builder of the Russian empire. Ukrainians and Tatars see her as a destroyer of their autonomy and independence in the last two decades of the eighteenth century. Following the Russian occupation of the Crimea, between the 1780's to 1914 hundreds of thousands of Tatars emigrated to Ottoman Tur key, where in modern Turkey they remain a vocal lobby.

The charge of "Nazi collaborators" was first raised in May 1944 when the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the deportation of 200,000 Crimean Tatars to Uzbekistan. Between 25 percent (Soviet government figure) and 46 percent (Crimean Tatar estimate) died in the first year in exile. Smaller numbers of Germans, Armenians and Bulgarians were also deported. The place of these four ethnic groups was largely filled by ethnic Russians. The autonomous status of the Crimea within the Russian SFSR was abolished in 1944 and only revived in 1991 in the Ukrainian SSR to which the Crimea was transferred in 1954.

The USSR unleashed ideological tirades against Ukrainian, Baltic and Crimean Tatar nationalist diasporas by equating "nazi collaborationism" with "(separatist) bourgeois nationalism." This linkage escaped the anti-communist Russian diaspora as it, like the majority of Russian dissidents, never supported the secession of the Russian SFSR from the USSR. Russian nationalists and the majority of Russian democratic dissidents either supported the transformation of the USSR into a "Russian (or eastern Slavic) state" or the USSR's democratization, not its dissolution. In 1967 the Soviet government dropped all charges of "Nazi collaboration." But, Tatars only began to return to the Crimea in the late 1980's, where they now number 300,000 (12 percent of the population). The ethnic Russian majority is in decline from 65 (1989) to 58 (2001) percent. Approximately 100,000 Crimean Tatars continue to live in Uzbekistan.

Under Vladimir Putin the positive steps taken in the Gorbachev and Yeltsin eras in overcoming Soviet stereotypes and false criminal charges have been reversed. President Dmitry Medvedev's creation of a "historical commission" coincides with a bill "opposing the rehabilitation of Nazism, Nazi criminals and their accomplices" in the former USSR. The "falsification of history" is better applied to Russian leaders who have ordered school textbooks to portray Stalin as an "effective manager," and his mass crimes against humanity explained away as the only manner in which to overcome the USSR's economic and security challenges. However, as the Moscow-based political analyst Yevgeny Kiselyov, recently observed: "The worst 'falsifier' of history, of course, has been the Kremlin" (Moscow Times, June 3). Stalin came in third place in the "Name of Russia" nationwide television contest held in November 2008.

Ukraine's strategy of declassifying KGB documents pertaining to Soviet crimes against humanity began in the 1990's, and was speeded up under Yushchenko. The policy is diametrically at odds with Russia under Putin, which continues to block access to archives. Soviet documents on the 1933 Ukrainian famine and other Soviet crimes are being declassified in Ukraine, while they remain a "state secret" in Russia (Moscow Times, June 9).

06.07.09. Constitutional instability in Ukraine leads to 'legal turmoil'

June 26, 2009

By Taras Kuzio

On June 28, 1996, Ukraine became the last Soviet republic to adopt a post-Soviet constitution, and that day was designated Constitution Day, a national holiday. Two years later, on October 21, 1998, the Crimean Autonomous Republic adopted its own constitution, recognizing the peninsula within Ukraine.

Leonid Kuchma's reelection as president in 1999 gave rise to Ukraine's first non-left parliamentary majority that sought to ditch the country's "semi-presidential" constitution in favor of a full presidential system. The relevant four questions were put to a referendum in April 2000 that was not internationally recognized, and were approved by a suspiciously high percentage of voters.

But Kuchma's plans were undermined by the onset of the Kuchma-gate crisis in November of that year, when tapes made illicitly in his office allegedly proved that he ordered violence against journalist Heorhiy Gongadze, who was kidnapped on September 16 and found decapitated on November 2, 2000.

Ukrainian politicians traditionally approached constitutional, and indeed all other issues, from the standpoint not of national interests, but personal advantage. Following the 2002 parliamentary elections, Kuchma shifted 180 degrees from his constitutional position two years earlier toward support for a parliamentary system. The architect of this strategy, which had two objectives, was presidential chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the Social Democratic Party-united.

Disarming Yushchenko

The first objective was to split the opposition by persuading the left, perennial supporters of parliamentarism, to support the constitutional reforms advocated by pro-presidential centrists. The second was to strip popular opposition presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, if he were elected, of the extensive presidential powers enshrined in the 1996 constitution.

The second vote in April 2004 failed after some pro-presidential centrists rebelled in protest at the change earlier that month of the election law from mixed to fully proportional. That change had been a condition of support by the left for the constitutional reforms.

Ironically, the reforms adopted on December 8, 2004, in a parliamentary vote were identical to those rejected eight months earlier. During those eight months, the authorities waged an all-out campaign to prevent Yushchenko being elected with the powers enshrined in the 1996 constitution. The widespread fraud that marred the presidential ballot led to the so-called Orange Revolution, triggered by Europe's largest postwar mass protests, in which one in five Ukrainians participated.

Three European Union-sponsored roundtables resulted in the December 8 compromise agreement that led to a repeat vote on December 26 that Yushchenko won. In return, Yushchenko granted verbal immunity to his defeated rival Kuchma, and Yushchenko's Our Ukraine supported the vote on the constitutional reforms to come into force in 2006. The Yulia Tymoshenko bloc (BYuT) was the only parliamentary force to vote against the constitutional amendments.

Constitutional Questions

After being elected president, Yushchenko complained about, but failed to repeal, the constitutional reforms. First, between September 2005, when the Tymoshenko government was removed, until February 2007 , when the Orange alliance was reconstituted, the BYuT and Our Ukraine were at loggerheads and divided. Yushchenko and Our Ukraine did not support the BYuT's call to invoke the October 2005 Constitutional Court ruling that constitutional reforms required a national referendum. The BYuT campaigned for such a referendum in the 2006 and 2007 elections.

Second, Yushchenko did not establish his National Constitutional Council until December 27, 2007, and only presented his reform proposals on March 31, 2009. But by then he had no hope of implementing them as his popularity rating had collapsed to 2 percent and he had no support in parliament. Our Ukraine had voted to rejoin the coalition in December 2008, against his wishes.

The conflict between the president and prime minister continued throughout 2008, and the onset of the global financial crisis in the fall failed to dampen it. During that time, legal and constitutional experts and different political factions all reached the conclusion that the president's daily intervention in economic and energy issues is unconstitutional. (Under the 2006 constitution, the government reports to the parliament, not to the president.)

In an April 2008 speech to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Tymoshenko announced a dramatic shift within the BYuT towards support for parliamentarism.

Their second conclusion was that without presidential support for the holding of a referendum, the only way the constitution could be changed was through a constitutional majority. But two successive attempts, in September 2008 and May 2009, to form a BYuT-Party of Regions coalition with the aim of pushing through constitutional reforms that would strengthen the parliament both failed, partly due to personal mistrust but also to Party of Regions' demands to have their cake and eat it.

While supporting a president elected by parliament (i.e. full parliamentary system), Party of Regions Chairman Viktor Yanukovych simultaneously sought a "guarantee" of two presidential terms with extensive powers similar to those bestowed on the president in the 2006 constitution. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pointed out to Ukrainians in May that parliamentary presidents are ceremonial.

Halfway To Nowhere

Two further factors are of direct relevance. "Semi" political systems, whether presidential (as in the 1996 constitution) or parliamentary (as in the 2006 constitution), are recipes for instability and conflict. If Ukraine really wants political stability and an escape from constitutional and legal chaos, it should change the constitution either to a full presidential system or towards a full parliamentary system. Prime Minister Tymoshenko acknowledged the inevitability of that choice in the course of a lengthy interview on Channel 5 on June 11. "Semi" systems do not divide powers clearly and are therefore recipes for "chaos," she stressed.

Nearly two decades after the disintegration of the Soviet empire, the 27 postcommunist states are divided into two groups: those in Central-Eastern Europe and the Baltic states have parliamentary systems, and those in Eurasia -- presidential systems. The two exceptions are Ukraine and Moldova, with semi-parliamentary and parliamentary systems, respectively.

Parliamentarism and democratization went hand-in-hand in Central-Eastern Europe and the Baltic states, facilitating their integration into NATO and the EU. Parliamentarism could therefore further integrate Ukraine into Europe.

Ukraine's transition from a semi-presidential to semi-parliamentarian constitution has completely overshadowed Yushchenko's presidency. Personality, ideological, and gender factors have been compounded by constitutionally unclear divisions of powers. U.S. Judge Bohdan Futey noted this month in a Ukrainian legal journal that "these [constitutional] changes interlaced the power of the executive and legislative branches, leaving the
country in legal turmoil to this day."

Yushchenko's presidency has been dominated by political crises, governmental instability, elite in-fighting, and constitutional chaos that have combined to undermine the potential generated by the Orange Revolution. With the constitutional question still unresolved as the Yushchenko era nears its end, Ukraine will enter the January 2010 election campaign in the same state of constitutional uncertainty as it did five years ago.

Taras Kuzio is a senior fellow in the Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Toronto, and research professor, Carleton University, Ottawa. He edits the bimonthly "Ukraine Analyst."

07.07.09. Ukraine har betalt for juni måneds gasforsyninger

Det statslige ukrainske olie- og gasselskab Naftohaz Ukrajiny har afregnet med det russiske gasmonopol Gazprom for den russiske gas, som Ukraine modtog i løbet af juni måned, meddeler Naftohaz' talsmand, Valentyn Zemljanskyj, til det ukrainske nyhedsbureau, UNIAN.

"Problemet er løst. Vi har betalt fuldt ud for de 1,1 mia. kubikmeter gas, som vi fik leveret. Zemljanskyj kom dog ikke nærmere ind på, hvilket beløb Ukraine har betalt for den russiske gas, landet fik i løbet af juni måned.

Som tidligere omtalt forpligtede Naftohaz Ukrajiny ved underskrivelsen af den russisk-ukrainske gasaftale den 19. januar 2009 sig til at erlægge betalingen for den af Gazprom leverede gas senest den 7. i måneden efter leveringsmåneden.

Første gang betalingsfristen overskrides, skal parterne ifølge aftalen gå over til ukrainsk forudbetaling af de russiske gasleverancer.  UP.

Det statslige ukrainske olie- og gasselskab Naftohaz Ukrajiny mener ikke, at regeringens beslutning om at forhøje det statslige selskabs aktiekapital med 18,6 mia. UAH vil løse selskabets løbende likviditetsproblem, hedder det i en pressemeddelelse fra Naftohaz. Ifølge meddelelsen medfører beslutningen ikke nogen reel forhøjelse af de likvide midler, men gør det muligt kun delvist at løse de problemer, som har hobet sig op.

"Naftohaz' indtægter i løbet af 2009 er anslået til 100 mia. UAH, mens aktiverne udgør mindst 50 mia. UAH. Til sammenligning vil aktiekapitalen efter forhøjelsen udgøre 24,2 mia. UAH. Indtægterne er dermed betydelig større end egenkapitalen, hvilket ikke gør det muligt i at løse problemet med betalingen for at få de underjordiske gaslagre fyldt med gas og kræver yderligere låntagning", påpeger man i Naftohaz.

Ifølge det staslige olie- og gasselskab vil regeringens beslutning dog væsentligt øge chancerne for, at forhandlingerne om at få stillet yderligere midler til rådighed for at kunne afregne til tiden for importeret gas kommer til at gå godt. Selskabet understreger, at dets primære opgave i dag er at sikre, at leverandørerne af den importerede naturgas får deres betaling rettidigt og i fuldt omfang, hvilket er afgørende i forhold til Ukraines energisikkerhed og den stabile forsyning til EU-landene.

Hvis Ukraine og Naftohaz overskrider de betalingsfrister, der er aftalt med det russiske olie-og gasselskab Gazprom, vil man fra ukrainsk side være nødt til at forudbetale for den importerede naturgas, hvilket vil være yderst vanskeligt for Ukraine. Ekonomichna Pravda

10.07.09. Domstol pålægger Jusjtjenko at udskrive folkeafstemning om NATO

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko vil appellere kendelsen fra Kievs administrative kredsdomstol, som pålægger ham at udstede et dekret om afholdelse af en folkeafstemning om Ukraines indtræden i NATO og Det fælles økonomiske rum, meddelte næstformanden for præsidentens sekretariat, Ihor Popov i aftes til Tv-stationen Kanal 5.

"Vi har endnu ikke modtaget den officielle afgørelse og har kun kendskab til den fra uofficielle kilder. Men selvfølgelig vil præsidenten appellere denne kendelse til en appeldomstol", understregede Popov.

Han forklarede beslutningen med, at "kendelsen er langtfra pletfri set med juridiske briller".

"Vi havde vores forbehold overfor denne domstol, vi havde også et ønske om en tilbagekaldelse af en dommer, som var udnævnt lige før sagen gik i gang og efter indstilling fra Regionernes partis ", sagde Popov.

Desuden tilføjede han, at det  rent politisk er uhensigtsmæssigt at afholde en sådan folkeafstemning på nuværende tidspunkt. UP.

23.07.09. General har afsløret hvem der stod bag mordet på Gongadze

General Oleskij Pukach har indrømmet sin medvirken i mordet på Georgij Gongadze, og at han selv var direkte indblandet i mordet. Det oplyste det ukrainske sikkerhedspolitis (SBU) sous-chef Vasyl Hrytsak på en pressekonference. Hrytsak sagde, at Pukach har bekræftet, at højtstående ukrainske embedsfolk medvirkede til mordet på Gongadze, men SBU-manden ville ikke afsløre deres navne med henvisning til efterforskningen. Ifølge Hrytsak lykkedes det SBU-medarbejderne at anholde Pukach i en af landsbyerne i Zhytomyr-regionen, hvor denne boede sammen med sin samleverske og hendes barn.

Hrytsak understreger, at Pukach ikke havde ændret sit ydre, at han havde brugt sine originale dokumenter, og at han siden 2005 ikke havde forladt Ukraine, men kun havde skiftet bopæl.

Ifølge Hrytsak samarbejder Pukach med den ukrainske offentlige anklagers efterforskere. SBU-souschefen ville ikke sige noget om, hvor Pukach opholder sig, fordi dennes liv er i fare. Adspurgt om, hvorfor sikkerhedstjenesten var så længe om at fange Pukach, svarede han, at det skyldes, at pågældende har et godt kendskab til politiets efterforskningsarbejde og derfor har været i stand til i lang tid at skjule sig for myndighederne. RBK-Ukrajina.

23.07.09. Lytvyn advarer mod politisk misbrug af Gongadze-morder

Formanden for Ukraines parlament Volodymyr Lytvyn håber på en objektiv efterforskning i sagen om den tidligere leder af det ukrainske indenrigsministeriums hovedstyrelse for kriminalpolitiet, Oleksij Pukach, som beskyldes for medvirken til mordet på journalisten Georgij Gongadze. Mordet fandt sted i september 2000, da Lytvyn var chef for den daværende præsident Leonid Kutjmas administration.

"Som alle andre er jeg interesseret i, at sandheden i denne sag kommer for dagens lys. Men det skal bare ikke være en "sandhed der er styret af øjeblikkets politiske hensigtsmæssighed", som vi har set det så ofte før i Ukraine. Jeg håber på, at efteforskningen vil være objektiv og alsidig", understreger Lytvyn i en pressemeddelelse.

Som allerede omtalt, har SBU - sikkerhedspolitiet - meddelt, at Pukach straks efter sin anholdelse opgav navnene på de personer, som stod bag mordet på Gongadze. UP.

23.07.09. Jusjtjenko vil få daglige underretninger om efterforskningen

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenko har bedt den ukrainske rigsadvokat, Oleksandr Medvedko, om dagligt at holde ham orienteret om, hvordan den indledende efterforskning af sagen om mordet på Georgij Gongdze forløber, oplyser præsidentens pressesekretær Iryna Vannykova med henvisning til præsidentens brev til rigsadvokaten.

"I brevet beder præsidenten rigsadvokaten om at komme med en retslig vurdering af de personer, som havde det formelle ansvar for eftersøgningen af Oleksij Pukach", sagde pressesekretæren.

Ifølge talskvinden har Viktor Jusjtjenko i den første beretning bedt om en forklaring på, hvorfor Pukach i de 5 år, der er gået, siden han blev eftersøgt over Interpol, kunne bevæge sig frit i Ukraine, og ikke engang var tvunget til at forlade landet.

"Oleksij Pukachs tidligere kolleger, som han  i årene 2004–2009 mødtes med eller havde telefonsamtaler med, har ikke blot undladt at pågribe ham, men har med deres passivitet faktisk dækket over en person, som var medvirkende til en alvorlig forbrydelse", understregede præsidentens talskvinde, som oplyste, at Jusjtjenko har henledt rigsadvokatens opmærksomhed på disse forhold og bedt ham om at komme med en retslig vurdering af de personer, som formelt deltog i eftersøgningen af Pukach. UP.

24.07.09. Statsadvokaten har rejst sigtelse mod Pukach

Den øverste anklager i Ukraine har rejst sigtelse mod general Oleksij Pukach for meddelagtighed i mordet på journalist Georgij Gongadze, oplyser rigsadvokaten Oleksandr Medvedko.

"Han (Pukach) sigtes for en række forbrydelser. Det drejer sig om bortførelsen af Podolskyi, mordet på Gongadze og tilintetgørelse af en række papirer", meddelte rigsadvokaten på en pressekonference i Kiev i fredags. Han kunne også fortælle, at efterforskerne lige nu gennemgår Pukachs vidneforklaringer i forhold til, hvor den myrdede journalists hoved kan befinde sig, oplyser Interfaks-Ukrajina.

"Vi er i gang med arbejdet. En gruppe er taget ud til stedet og arbejder der", sagde rigsadvokaten og tilføjede, at der endnu ikke var noget nyt, oplyser UNIAN. Desuden sagde Medvedko, at den øverste anklagers kontor efterforsker nogle oplysninger om, at Pukach skulle have opholdt sig i Donetsk og Luhansk regionerne.

Som bekendt forsvandt Georgij Gongadze i Kiev den 16. september 2000. I november samme år fandt man et hovedløst lig udenfor Kiev. Ifølge ekspertudsagn tilhørte liget journalisten.

I 2008 blev tre tidligere medarbejdere ved det ukrainske indenrigsministeriums departement for ydre overvågning og kriminalefterforskning - obersterne Valerij Kostenko og Mykola Protasov samt major Oleksandr Popovych - dømt for mordet på journalisten.

Endnu en sigtet - Pukach - blev anholdt den 21. juli 2009 i Zhytomyr-regionen i et samarbejde mellem Ukraines anklagemyndighed og sikkerhedstjeneste.

Det er endnu ikke lykkedes at fastslå, hvem der beordrede mordet. UP.

25.07.09. Ny valglov vil sandsynligvis blive indbragt for forfatningsdomstolen

Præsident Viktor Jusjtjenkos talskvinde, Maryna Stavnijtjuk, der er næstformand for præsidentens sekretariat, udtaler her til aften, at den valglov, som parlamentet lige har vedtaget, på systematisk vis forbereder landet til svindel ved det kommende præsidentvalg. Udtalelsen faldt i et interview med Tv-stationen Kanal 5.

"Man kan hævde, at selve loven vil provokere de kandidater, som har planer om at vinde valget, til i ret stor udstrækning at gøre brug af tekniske kandidater", sagde Stavnijtjuk og tilføjede: "Det er vigtigt at tale om, at den nye lov har afskaffet muligheden for at indbringe valgresultatet for en domstol. Det er uden fortilfælde og meget kynisk gjort".

Næstformanden for præsidentens sekretariat forudser, at præsident Jusjtjenko vil nedlægge veto mod loven. "Vi har også mulighed for at gå til forfatningsdomstolen", påpegede Stavnijtjuk.

Parlamentsmedlem for Julia Tymoshenkos Blok, Valerij Pysarenko, der også var i Kanal 5's studie siger, at han er sikker på, at "præsidenten vil nedlægge veto mod loven, og når vetoet bliver overtrumfet af over 2/3 af parlamentets deputerede, så vil der komme en henvendelse til forfatningsdomstolen".

"Vi vil afvente forfatningsdomstolens beslutning, men loven vil være gældende fra det øjeblik, og her vil det afhænge af, hvorvidt forfatningsdomstolen vil forholde sig til den lov, som vi har vedtaget, ud fra et retsligt syn", sagde Pysarenko. "Hvis forfatningsdomstolen eksempelvis midt inde i valgkampen afgør, at visse af bestemmelserne i loven strider mod forfatningen, vil det få indflydelse på processens juridiske renhed", tilføjede han. Pysarenko understregede, at lovændringerne til loven om præsidentvalget har været på den ekstraordinære parlamentssessions dagsorden og "fuldt ud afspejler den nugældende forfatnings bestemmelser".

"En så nervøs reaktion fra præsidentsekretariatets side er forståelig. Med lovændringerne mister præsidenten de rettigheder, som gav ham mulighed for at manipulere med valgkommissionernes sammensætning osv.", påpegede parlamentsmedlemmet fra BJuT.

"Det er mit indtryk, at man i præsidentens sekretariat prøver at gentage det, som skete i 2004. Men nu er det bare præsident Jusjtjenkos hold, som prøver at gøre brug af de samme metoder, som den daværende præsidenten brugte mod ham som præsidentkandidat", understregede Pysarenko. UP.

27.07.09. Prisen på importeret russisk gas falder

Prisen på den russiske gas, som Ukraine importerer i 3. kvartal 2009, vil være 198,34 USD for tusind kubikmeter, hvilket er 26,8% mindre end den pris, som Ukraine betalte i 2. kvartal 2009, oplyser det statslige ukrainske olie- og gasselskabs "Naftohaz'" talsmand, Valentyn Zemljanskyj til nyhedsbureauet Interfaks-Ukrajina.

Ifølge Zemljanskyj vil Ukraine have importeret omkring 3 mia. kubikmeter gas i løbet af juli.

Den russiske gas, som Ukraine importerede i 1. kvartal af 2009, havde en maksimumpris på 360 USD for et tusind kubikmeter, mens prisen for 2. kvartal var faldet til 270,95 USD for et tusind kubikmeter.

I starten af juli oplyste det statslige russiske gasmonopol "Gazproms" talsmand, Sergej Kuprijanov, at Ukraine i juli har hævet den annoncerede gasimport fra 33 millioner kubikmeter i døgnet til 120 millioner kubikmeter i døgnet for juli måned.

Den kontrakt, som Gazprom og Naftohaz underskrev i januar 2009 om de russiske gasleverancer til Ukraine, opererede med, at Ukraine i løbet af 1. kvartal 2009 skulle have leveret 5 mia. kubikmeter gas, 10 mia. kubikmeter i 2. kvartal, 12 mia. kubikmeter i 3. kvartal og 12,5 mia. kubikmeter gas i 4. kvartal 2009. Den reelle ukrainske gasimport var i 1. kvartal gennemsnitligt 50% lavere end det planlagte og 40% lavere i 2. kvartal.

På den baggrund havde "Naftohaz" anmodet "Gazprom" om at mindske omfanget af den ukrainske import i 2009 fra 40 mia. kubikmeter til 33 mia. kubikmeter, men fik kun en mundtlig accept.

I juni 2009 importerede Ukraine russisk gas til to forskellige priser 270,95 USD og 272,22 USD for tusind kubikmeter. Ekonomichna Pravda.